In our corporate code of conduct as described below, it is clearly specified that we are committed to fulfilling our corporate social responsibilities (CSR) as a good corporate citizen.
CSR Activities
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy
TKX Group Charter of Conduct/Corporate Code of Conduct
With the focus on compliance in the global arena, including Japan, we will comply with all applicable laws and regulations of each country and region in which we operate, and international rules, as well as the spirit of those rules. We will also respect the culture, customs, and traditions of each country and region in which we operate.
Enhancement of Customer Satisfaction
Based on a clear and accurate understanding of customer needs, we will develop and supply products and services that are useful to society, and we will maximize our effort to achieve safety and quality in our products and services. Thus, we will seek to enhance customer satisfaction by ensuring that our products and services are useful, safe, and high quality.
Fair Business Transactions
We will compete fairly, transparently and freely, and we will always engage in fair and honest transactions. Additionally, we will maintain normal and healthy relationships with political institutions and government administrations.
Management, Provision, and Protection of Information and Intellectual Property
We will manage and provide the necessary information about our products and services by using an appropriate method. We will properly manage and protect personal information and customer information. Based on the full understanding of the importance of intellectual property, we will protect and defend our own intellectual property rights, while at the same time respecting the intellectual property rights of other companies.
People Development and Workplace Environment
With the aim of developing creative employees and creating a vibrant corporate culture, we will appreciate and encourage the diversity, personality, and individuality of each of our employees. In addition, we will enhance employee satisfaction and improve corporate productivity by implementing fair human resources management systems and practices to ensure that our employees feel comfortable and content based on good labor-management relations.
Environmental Initiatives
We are always fully aware that the Solar Energy Operations, which is one of our main business pillars, are involved in addressing environmental issues, a common challenge for all mankind. Based on such awareness, we are committed to developing environmentally friendly products, services, and manufacturing processes and supporting individual and social initiatives to tackle environmental problems.
Quality Policy
Quality Policy
Keiichiro Hashimoto
President and Representative Director
TKX Corporation
August 1, 2024
Basic Position
At TKX Corporation, customer focus is central to our business. We value our employees, believing that they are a great asset and a crucial part of our success.
We offer reliable products to our customers and contribute to society by leveraging our superior technological strength and human resources. Additionally, we seek to provide opportunities to fully communicate and establish dialogue with our employees and community residents, accept their opinions sincerely and reflect them in our business activities to enable us to meet and exceed their needs and expectations.
Quality Policy
- Customer Focus
Our goal is to offer to customers products and services of high quality at fair and resonable prices by ensuring prompt sharing of information with regard to customer requests and issues. - Compliance and Business Ethics
We will comply with all laws, regulations, standards, and in-company rules that apply to our business activities, products, and services, as well as we will do our utmost to ensure to caltivate fair and trusted human resources from the public. - Continuous Improvement
We will establish a robust internal quality assurance infrastructure within the Company and continuously review and improve our quality management system to ensure that we will continue to fully meet customer requests through the efficient operation of our quality management system and to provide products and services with the aim of achieving even higher precision and quality while maintaining industry-leading technological and technical expertise; in particular, while advancing technological innovation such as thinning of wafers in the solar sector, we will maintain high yields and high quality. - Ensuring Awareness and Achievement of Quality Policy Objectives and Goals
(1)We will do our utmost to ensure that all our employees are fully aware of and understand our quality policy. Furthermore, we will ensure that our quality policy is properly reflected in quality objectives and goals set by each business unit, as well as action plans, to support the achievement of quality objectives as developed by each division and each organizational level. Thus, we will strive to achieve our quality objectives and goals, as well as our quality policy, through repeating the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle.
(2)We will annually review and update our quality policy as appropriate to ensure that it is properly maintained and kept up to date.
(3)We will specifically review and update the progress to our quality goal in monthly quality convention.
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